
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
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The Witch-king of Angmar™ (GW30-55)
The Witch-king is the greatest of the beings known as the Nazgûl and is the Dark Lord's most deadly ..
125.00 RON
Armies of The Hobbit™ (GW30-06-60)
The Armies of The Hobbit™ is an expansion for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game that enabl..
231.00 RON
Armies of The Lord of The Rings™ (English) (GW30-87)
Armies of The Lord of The Rings is a gaming supplement for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game tha..
241.00 RON
Armies of The Lord of the Rings™ (GW01-02-60)
Armies of The Lord of The Rings™ este o expansiune pentru Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game ce..
235.00 RON
Battle of Osgiliath (GW30-70)
The MiniaturesThe Forces of Good– Faramir™, Captain of Gondor– Madril, Captain of Ithilien– Damrod, ..
755.00 RON
Defence of the North (GW30-15)
Sauron never turned his gaze completely away from the northern kingdoms – even during the close of t..
199.00 RON
Easterling Warriors (GW30-31)
Easterlings are amongst the most fanatical followers of the Dark Lord and the best equipped of all t..
189.00 RON
Elrond™, Master of Rivendell™ (GW30-69)
A mighty warrior and leader of legendary renown, Elrond has been at the forefront of many great batt..
194.00 RON
Éomer™, Marshal of the Riddermark™ (GW30-50)
Éomer is the nephew of Théoden, and one of Rohan's foremost warriors. Exiled by the command of Grima..
124.00 RON
Éowyn & Merry (GW30-45)
Éowyn is a valiant shield maiden of Rohan and niece to King Théoden. Unwilling to be left behi..
160.00 RON
Fall of the Necromancer™ (GW30-56)
Many years after Sauron was cast from Middle-earth at the Battle of the Last Alliance, he returned i..
199.00 RON
Fellowship Of The Ring (GW30-25)
It was in Rivendell that Frodo made the decision to carry the Ring to Mordor and cast it into ..
199.00 RON
Gandalf™ the White and Peregrin Took™ (GW30-40)
Following his victory over the Balrog, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth to see his task comple..
165.00 RON
Gondor™ Mansion (GW30-75)
Gondor was the most prominent kingdom of Men in Middle-earth. This battle-hardened realm was bordere..
319.00 RON
Gondor™ Ruins (GW30-77)
Gondor was the most prominent kingdom of Men in Middle-earth. This battle-hardened realm was bordere..
193.00 RON
Gondor™ Tower (GW30-76)
Gondor was the most prominent kingdom of Men in Middle-earth. This battle-hardened realm was bordere..
260.00 RON
Great Eagles (GW30-27)
Borne aloft on soft and silent wings, the host of Great Eagles hunt far and wide in the valleys arou..
208.00 RON
Haleth™ & Háma™, Princes of Rohan™ (GW30-89)
Haleth is the eldest son of Helm Hammerhand, and heir to the throne of Rohan. When armies of the Hil..
194.00 RON
Hill Tribesmen (GW30-85)
The barbaric Hill Tribesmen reside within the lands to the West of Rohan. Living in fractured commun..
194.00 RON
Isengard™ Battlehost (GW30-71)
Join the ranks of the fallen Istari Saruman, one of the most powerful Wizards in Middle-earth™, as h..
342.00 RON
King of the Dead & Heralds (GW30-46)
The breaking of the oath pledged to Isildur lies with this King of Ages past. Though cursed, a..
165.00 RON
Knights of Minas Tirith™ (GW30-20)
Acei razboinici care exceleaza in calarie se vor alatura Knight of Minas Tirith. Inalti si bra..
145.00 RON
Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game - Rules Manual 2022 (GW01-01)
The Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game is the tabletop game for two or more players where you play t..
233.00 RON
Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual (English) (GW30-84)
The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is the tabletop game for two or more players set within the wo..
207.00 RON
Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual (GW01-01-60)
The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game este un joc table top pentru 2 sau mai multi jucatori ce..
195.00 RON
Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game: Battle Companies (GW30-09-60)
Battle Companies is an expansion to the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game that enables you to ..
187.00 RON
Minas Tirith™ Battlehost (GW30-72)
Sally out from Gondor's White City alongside Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took as they take charge..
343.00 RON
Minas Tirith™ Dice Set (GW30-62)
Minas Tirith stands against the legions of Mordor, and protects the lands of men from the threat of ..
68.00 RON
Mordor™ Battlehost (GW30-73)
Start your mission to reclaim the One Ring for the Dark Lord with the Mordor Battlehost, led by the ..
343.00 RON
Mordor™ Dice Set (GW30-67)
Mordor is the domain of Sauron, and home to legions of warriors who serve in his name. From the Blac..
68.00 RON
Mordor™ Orcs (GW30-33)
Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoi..
193.00 RON
Rohan™ Battlehost (GW30-74)
Saddle up and muster the Riders of Rohan and the Warriors of Rohan beneath the banner of Éomer, Mars..
342.00 RON
Rohan™ Stronghold (GW30-57)
Rohan is a proud realm that has ever stood against evil, yet it is no stranger to war and turmoil. E..
1,157.00 RON
Ruins of Dol Guldur™ (GW30-66)
Since the coming of Sauron to Dol Guldur, the surrounding Greenwood had become a place of fear and d..
258.00 RON
Saruman™ the White & Gríma (GW30-49)
Once the leader of the Council of the Wise, and the eponymous head of the White Council, Saruman the..
157.00 RON
The Balrog™ (GW30-26)
Balrog este o creatura formidabila foarte veche si foarte puternica. Trezita de mineri dwarfi entuzi..
258.00 RON
The Hobbit™: Hunt for the Arkenstone™ (GW30-19)
A Middle-earth™ Adventure GameHunt for the Arkenstone is a cooperative board game based on famous sc..
307.00 RON
The Lord of the Rings™ Battle in Balin's Tomb (GW30-11)
In their quest to destroy the One Ring, the Fellowship have journeyed into the depths of Moria. Yet ..
320.00 RON
The Three Hunters (GW30-44)
When the Fellowship of the Ring was broken at Amon Hen, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli chose to pu..
164.00 RON
The War of the Rohirrim™ – Battle of Edoras™ (English) (GW30-83)
The Battle of Edoras brings the Hill Tribes into open conflict with the proud warriors of Rohan as t..
827.00 RON
Thorin Oakenshield™ & Company (GW30-42)
Thorin Oakenshield is a Dwarf of noble birth, the son of kings and heir to the treasures of Erebor. ..
197.00 RON
Treebeard™, Mighty Ent™ (GW30-52)
Greatest of the ancient race of Ents, Treebeard is immensely old and has potentially roamed the fore..
278.00 RON
Uruk-hai™ Warriors
If Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth then the Uruk-hai are the most dangerous perv..
193.00 RON
Warg™ Riders (GW30-37)
Wargs are gigantic, evil wolves - massive and dangerous creatures with a cunning and carnivorous int..
164.00 RON
Warriors of Minas Tirith™ (GW30-21)
Armatele Minas Tirith sunt cele mai marete dintre armatele oamenilor - disciplinate, superb ec..
162.00 RON