Warhammer AoS

Warhammer AoS

Warhammer - Age of Sigmar

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 Grotmas Gitz (GW89-85)

Grotmas Gitz (GW89-85)

Grotmas Gitz Product DescriptionThis kit comprises 18 plastic components, including a scenic base.Th..

154.00 RON

Abhorrant Cardinal (GW91-72)

Abhorrant Cardinal (GW91-72)

Abhorrant Cardinals are vampiric preachers that seek to spread the glory of Ushoran across every lan..

149.00 RON

Acolyte Globadiers (GW90-47)

Acolyte Globadiers (GW90-47)

The Acolyte Globadiers of the Clans Skryre are a step above the thrall-rats that toil on the product..

208.00 RON

Aggradon Lancers (GW88-18)

Aggradon Lancers (GW88-18)

Aggradon Lancers are among the most aggressive cavalry known to the Mortal Realms, for their fearsom..

242.00 RON

Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (GW87-34)

Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (GW87-34)

No troops exemplify the Idoneth Deepkin way of life more than the Akhelian Guard. Mounted atop Fangm..

199.00 RON

Alarith Stoneguard (GW87-54)

Alarith Stoneguard (GW87-54)

The Alarith temples accept the mountain as their master and, in doing so, inherit part of its streng..

234.00 RON

Alarith Stonemage (GW87-55)

Alarith Stonemage (GW87-55)

First amongst Teclis’ disciples to learn the ways of the aelementiri, the Stonemages bring the might..

165.00 RON

Annihilators (GW96-55)

Annihilators (GW96-55)

Annihilators charge with the impact of a falling star, crashing into their opponents with enough for..

212.00 RON

AoS: Flesh-Eater Courts Dice (GW91-67)

AoS: Flesh-Eater Courts Dice (GW91-67)

AoS: Flesh-Eater Courts Dice (GW91-67)..

109.00 RON

Arch-Warlock (GW90-48)

Arch-Warlock (GW90-48)

An Arch-Warlock crouches at the head of every Skryre clan. They are masters of lethal science, and t..

149.00 RON

Ardboy Big Boss (GW89-57)

Ardboy Big Boss (GW89-57)

Ardboy Big Bosses are veteran Ironjawz with an eye for the battlefield and enough bellowing presence..

142.00 RON

Arkanaut Company (GW84-35)

Arkanaut Company (GW84-35)

 Când vine vorba de picioarele pe pământ, Companiile Arkanaut formează forțele principale de lu..

224.00 RON

Awakened Wyldwood (GW92-21)

Awakened Wyldwood (GW92-21)

When the Wyldwoods of the Sylvaneth stir, enemies of the natural order must be on their guard. The a..

242.00 RON

Awlrach The Drowner (GW91-16)

Awlrach The Drowner (GW91-16)

In his mortal life, Awlrach promised aid and safe transport to desperate travellers, only to send hi..

208.00 RON

Barbed Bracken (GW64-52)

Barbed Bracken (GW64-52)

Incredibly detailed, designed to make your scenery pieces stand out on the gaming table by adding ex..

117.00 RON

Battleforce: Soulblight Gravelords – Vengorian Court (GW91-46)

Battleforce: Soulblight Gravelords – Vengorian Court (GW91-46)

The Soulblight Gravelords are powerful undead monstrosities eternally hungering for the blood that s..

825.00 RON

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos (GW81-01-60)

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos (GW81-01-60)

Pamantul se cutremura cand se apropie Beastherds.Plantele se ofilesc si putrezesc, animalele se umpl..

145.00 RON

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos 2023 (GW81-01)

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos 2023 (GW81-01)

The Beasts of Chaos are the purest embodiment of primeval violence. These braying killers surge out ..

198.00 RON

Battletome: Blades of Khorne (GW83-01-60)

Battletome: Blades of Khorne (GW83-01-60)

 All dread the coming of the Blades of Khorne – an unholy allegiance of mortals and daemons for..

142.00 RON

Battletome: Blades of Khorne 2023 (GW83-01)

Battletome: Blades of Khorne 2023 (GW83-01)

Howling like maddened beasts, the Blades of Khorne hurl themselves upon their prey. These savage kil..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Cities of Sigmar (GW86-47)

Battletome: Cities of Sigmar (GW86-47)

 The Cities of Sigmar are blazing strongholds of light and hope amidst the deadly wilds of the ..

146.00 RON

Battletome: Cities of Sigmar 2023 (GW86-47-23)

Battletome: Cities of Sigmar 2023 (GW86-47-23)

The Cities of Sigmar are embattled metropolises founded by free mortals across every one of the real..

200.00 RON

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine (GW85-05)

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine (GW85-05)

Many are the tales told of the Daughters of Khaine, those fearsome and bloodthirsty zealots who hail..

151.00 RON

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine 2022 (GW85-05N)

Battletome: Daughters of Khaine 2022 (GW85-05N)

As deadly as they are graceful, the warlike aelves of the Daughters of Khaine seek to spill gushing ..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts (GW91-29)

Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts (GW91-29)

The creatures of the Flesh-eater Courts are touched by a curse that distorts their very perception o..

200.00 RON

Battletome: Fyreslayers (HB) (GW84-01-60)

Battletome: Fyreslayers (HB) (GW84-01-60)

 From flame-filled magmaholds they march, the power of their war-god flowing into them from bla..

146.00 RON

Battletome: Fyreslayers 2022 (GW84-01)

Battletome: Fyreslayers 2022 (GW84-01)

The Fyreslayers are a culture of duardin whose entire existence revolves around battle, renowned for..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz (GW89-63-60)

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz (GW89-63-60)

 The Bad Moon is rising on the Mortal Realms – and the grots are marching to war. This battleto..

145.00 RON

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz 2023 (GW89-63)

Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz 2023 (GW89-63)

In the darkest nooks and crannies of the Mortal Realms lurk the Gloomspite Gitz. An army of vicious ..

198.00 RON

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72)

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72)

The Hedonites of Slaanesh revel in the vilest acts and most stimulating sensory excesses. The battle..

151.00 RON

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72-60)

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72-60)

 Of all the evil forces in the realms, the Hedonites of Slaanesh take the most pleasure in the ..

146.00 RON

Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin (GW87-01-60)

Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin (GW87-01-60)

If you’re looking to start an Idoneth Deepkin army, we’ve got you covered! This bundle contains both..

145.00 RON

Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin 2022 (GW87-01)

Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin 2022 (GW87-01)

The Idoneth Deepkin are a mysterious race of aelves who dwell within the oceans of the Mortal Realms..

200.00 RON

Battletome: Kharadron Overlords 2023 (GW84-02)

Battletome: Kharadron Overlords 2023 (GW84-02)

The Kharadron Overlords rule the skies, masters of a trading empire built by grand fleets of cloud-f..

198.00 RON

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords (2021) (GW87-04)

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords (2021) (GW87-04)

Graceful of mind as well as of body, the Lumineth Realm-lords are the quintessence of all that is ae..

151.00 RON

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords (GW87-04)

Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords (GW87-04)

The Lumineth are masters of magic. Through their immeasurable skill, they will save the Mortal Realm..

149.00 RON

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle (GW83-58-60)

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle (GW83-58-60)

 Nurgle este Zeul Haosului molimelor, a cărui putere creste atunci când boala și disperarea dăr..

150.00 RON

Battletome: Nighthaunt (GW91-14)

Battletome: Nighthaunt (GW91-14)

From Shyish, the Realm of Death, come the ethereal Nighthaunt – terrifying spectres driven to murder..

200.00 RON

Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes (GW95-03)

Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes (GW95-03)

Ogors Mawtribes sweep across the realms and devour all in their migratory path, juggernauts of fat a..

200.00 RON

Battletome: Orruk Warclans 2021 (GW89-01)

Battletome: Orruk Warclans 2021 (GW89-01)

The Orruks are Destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves not..

198.00 RON

Battletome: Seraphon (GW88-01)

Battletome: Seraphon (GW88-01)

 The cold‐blooded Seraphon strive to enact the Great Plan of the Old Ones, their ancient and my..

163.00 RON

Battletome: Seraphon 2023 (GW88-01-23)

Battletome: Seraphon 2023 (GW88-01-23)

The Seraphon strive tirelessly to advance the Great Plan of the Old Ones, returning true order and b..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Skaven (GW90-24-60)

Battletome: Skaven (GW90-24-60)

 Red eyes and chisel fangs glint in the gloom. A terrible chittering fills the air. Then, from ..

145.00 RON

Battletome: Skaven 2022 (GW90-24)

Battletome: Skaven 2022 (GW90-24)

For centuries beyond counting has the race of malevolent ratmen known as the skaven plagued the Mort..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness 2023 (GW83-02)

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness 2023 (GW83-02)

The Slaves to Darkness pursue power at any cost. They’ve sold their souls to the Dark Gods in order ..

198.00 RON

Showing 1 to 45 of 355 (8 Pages)