Warhammer AoS

Warhammer - Age of Sigmar
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Warscroll Cards: Sylvaneth (GW92-03-60)
Aerul rasuna cu glorioasa magie a vietii in timp ce copii lui Alarielle se vanta in lupta. zei..
54.00 RON
Warsong Revenant (GW92-24)
Given life by spirits held within the Oak of Ages Past, the Warsong Revenants sprang forth as Alarie..
242.00 RON
Weirdbrute Wrekkaz (GW89-82)
Weirdbrute Wrekkaz carve a path of destruction through the enemy lines, sent into a frenzy by the Wa..
224.00 RON
Weirdnob Shaman (GW89-27)
Wildly unpredictable, savage, untamed and violent, Waaagh! magic cannot be controlled by anything wi..
149.00 RON
Wight King (GW91-31)
In ancient times, mighty warlords fought across the lands. Upon their death, these brutal warriors w..
69.00 RON
Wight King on Skeletal Steed (GW91-65)
Wight Kings are ancient rulers, resurrected by foul necromantic magic. Some of these Deathrattle mon..
152.00 RON
Witch Aelves (GW85-10)
Devoted followers of Khaine, Witch Aelves spend their entire lives dedicated to serving their bloodt..
219.00 RON
Zoggrok Anvilsmasha (GW89-62)
Zoggrok Anvilsmasha is a legend amongst the Ironjawz, for he has mastered the art of hammering the d..
165.00 RON