Warhammer AoS

Warhammer AoS

Warhammer - Age of Sigmar

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Battletome: Sons of Behemat (GW93-01)

Battletome: Sons of Behemat (GW93-01)

The titanic Sons of Behemat have might enough to throttle dragons, barge down castle walls and tear ..

150.00 RON

Battletome: Sons of Behemat 2022 (GW93-01-22)

Battletome: Sons of Behemat 2022 (GW93-01-22)

The Sons of Behemat are might incarnate. When the gargant tribes are on the stomp, everyone else had..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords (GW91-04)

Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords (GW91-04)

Afflicted by the terrible curse that gives them their name, the Soulblight Gravelords are powerful u..

198.00 RON

Battletome: Stormcast Eternals 2021 (GW96-01)

Battletome: Stormcast Eternals 2021 (GW96-01)

Stormcast Eternals are the mightiest warriors of Order. Each forged in Azyr by Sigmar's hand, these ..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Sylvaneth 2022 (GW92-01)

Battletome: Sylvaneth 2022 (GW92-01)

Strange and fey are the Sylvaneth, children of the life goddess Alarielle. These forest spirits have..

200.00 RON

Be'lakor, the Dark Master (GW97-19)

Be'lakor, the Dark Master (GW97-19)

Be'lakor, the Dark Master, is the first of the Daemon Princes and a consummate champion of Chaos. Wr..

613.00 RON

Beast of Nurgle (GW83-15)

Beast of Nurgle (GW83-15)

 Beasts of Nurgle sunt niște monstruozități asemănătoare cu ciupercile ale căror organisme enor..

164.00 RON

Beast-skewer Killbow (GW89-60)

Beast-skewer Killbow (GW89-60)

The Beast-skewer Killbow is a cruel ballista with one purpose – slaying the largest of beasts with b..

149.00 RON

Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (GW91-55)

Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (GW91-55)

Little is known of the mysterious First of the Vyrkos. When she and her lupine packs hunt, the enemy..

200.00 RON

Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth (GW92-29)

Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth (GW92-29)

Belthanos leads the eternal hunt that keeps his master Kurnoth’s spirit in bloom. Cloaked in leaves ..

402.00 RON

Blades of Khorne Dice Set (GW83-39)

Blades of Khorne Dice Set (GW83-39)

Khorne demands blood and skulls. In order to provide them, you must successfully slaughter your foes..

152.00 RON

Blissbarb Archers (GW83-83)

Blissbarb Archers (GW83-83)

Blissbarb Archers are the lowest class of Sybarite, but no less deadly for it. Even when running pel..

224.00 RON

Blood Sisters (GW85-20)

Blood Sisters (GW85-20)

Blood Sisters are powerful warriors used as bodyguards to High Priestesses or Bloodwrack Medusae, or..

208.00 RON

Bloodpelt Hunter (GW95-21)

Bloodpelt Hunter (GW95-21)

Bloodpelt Hunters seek out the largest and most formidable creatures, stalking them unseen with the ..

162.00 RON

Bossrokk Tower (GW89-97)

Bossrokk Tower (GW89-97)

Bossrokk Towers are filled with the raucous energy of Gork, and make excellent vantage points for an..

242.00 RON

Brand's Oathbound (GW83-56)

Brand's Oathbound (GW83-56)

The Brands are regarded as an especially ruthless tribe of Darkoath warriors. To command such esteem..

295.00 RON

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth (GW89-68)

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth (GW89-68)

The most vicious Kruleboyz leaders often ride into battle riding a towering Mirebrute Troggoth that ..

197.00 RON

Broken Realms: Rokar Gresh – Gresh's Iron Reapers (GW86-79)

Broken Realms: Rokar Gresh – Gresh's Iron Reapers (GW86-79)

A colossus of a man clad in scarred iron plate and wielding a cursed greataxe that blazes with unhol..

323.00 RON

Brutes (GW89-29)

Brutes (GW89-29)

Lumbering, heavy-set creatures with furrowed brows and heavy armour, orruk Brutes are unconcerned wi..

251.00 RON

Cairn Wraith (GW91-32)

Cairn Wraith (GW91-32)

Cairn Wraiths are amongst the most powerful of the Undead. Though they lack physical form, their tou..

69.00 RON

Callis & Toll: Saviours of Cinderfall (GW86-36)

Callis & Toll: Saviours of Cinderfall (GW86-36)

The Saviours of Cinderfall root out the horrors found in the backstreets and hidden catacombs of the..

295.00 RON

Chainrasp Hordes (GW71-14)

Chainrasp Hordes (GW71-14)

The most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions are the Chainrasp Hordes. Thes..

165.00 RON

Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness (GW83-02-24)

Chaos Battletome: Slaves to Darkness (GW83-02-24)

The Slaves to Darkness are champions clad in hellforged armour, fearsome chieftains, and cabalistic ..

224.00 RON

Chaos Chosen (GW83-93)

Chaos Chosen (GW83-93)

Chaos Chosen are elite devotees of the Ruinous Powers, champions who have garnered enough dark rewar..

236.00 RON

Chaos Knights (GW83-09)

Chaos Knights (GW83-09)

Chaos Knights ride at the forefront of any ruinous host, and their coming heralds the death of empir..

259.00 RON

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (GW83-62)

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (GW83-62)

Karkadraks are monstrous lizard-beasts clad in thick scales, whose destructive rampages are almost i..

186.00 RON

Chaos Sorcerer Lord (GW83-100)

Chaos Sorcerer Lord (GW83-100)

Sorcerer Lords are surrounded by sinister swirls of dark magic, emanating a miasma of doom. With the..

149.00 RON

Chaos Spawn (GW83-10)

Chaos Spawn (GW83-10)

Mind and will completely dissolved into blankness by the corrupting influence of Chaos, the Chaos Sp..

199.00 RON

Citadel Skulls (GW64-29)

Citadel Skulls (GW64-29)

 E usor de observat ca printre temele cele mai comune in piesele de scenariu atat in Warhammer ..

123.00 RON

Cities of Sigmar Battleforce: Founding Foray (GW86-29)

Cities of Sigmar Battleforce: Founding Foray (GW86-29)

The Cities of Sigmar are embattled islands of civilisations that have been founded across every one ..

897.00 RON

Clanrats (GW90-06)

Clanrats (GW90-06)

Clanrats mass into huge clawpacks, their vast numbers bolstering their courage and allowing them to ..

157.00 RON

Codewright (GW84-61)

Codewright (GW84-61)

Codewrights know every artycle, every amendment, and every footnote of the Kharadron Code by heart, ..

140.00 RON

Combat Gauge (GW65-10)

Combat Gauge (GW65-10)

Tired of lugging around a chunky tape measure and losing the tips of your fingers every time you ree..

94.00 RON

Craventhrone Guard (GW91-66)

Craventhrone Guard (GW91-66)

The Craventhrone Guard serve Kurdoss Valentian and any who share his aims. Bitter and spiteful even ..

164.00 RON

Creeping Vines (GW64-51)

Creeping Vines (GW64-51)

Detailed, flexible plastic scenery designed to be wrapped around scenery pieces and model bases to a..

123.00 RON

Cryptguard (GW91-76)

Cryptguard (GW91-76)

The Cryptguard are ghouls of uncommon tenacity and worth, elevated to an elite station by performing..

189.00 RON

Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (GW83-68)

Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (GW83-68)

A Curseling is a powerful warrior-mage imbued with daemonic power through a conjoined, spell-mouldin..

126.00 RON

Daemon Prince (GW83-64)

Daemon Prince (GW83-64)

Daemon Princes were once mortal champions of Chaos, elevated to eternal daemonhood as a coveted rewa..

319.00 RON

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters (GW97-08)

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters (GW97-08)

The Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been fore..

160.00 RON

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodthirster (GW97-27)

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodthirster (GW97-27)

Bloodthirsters are the mightiest of Khorne’s daemons, the fury of war given terrible form. Every one..

614.00 RON

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (GW83-53)

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (GW83-53)

Sat astride blade-masked warsteeds, flanks strewn with the skulls of slain challengers, Darkoath Chi..

194.00 RON

Darkoath Fellriders (GW83-54)

Darkoath Fellriders (GW83-54)

The Darkoath prize speed and agility above all in their light cavalry. Fellriders are mounted darede..

242.00 RON

Darkoath Marauders (GW83-52)

Darkoath Marauders (GW83-52)

Darkoath Marauders are trained in the ways of battle from a young age, born into tribes that take pr..

208.00 RON

Daughters of Khaine Dice Set (GW85-23)

Daughters of Khaine Dice Set (GW85-23)

Step out of the shadows of Ulgu with a set of dice themed around Morathi's favoured servants. This p..

117.00 RON

Dawnbringers: Book I - Harbingers (GW80-49)

Dawnbringers: Book I - Harbingers (GW80-49)

The Dawnbringer Crusades – grand wars to reclaim land under the shadow of Chaos – have struck out ac..

160.00 RON

Showing 46 to 90 of 355 (8 Pages)